Services Alterations

If you need Alterations contact us to discuss the specifics. We can help you to achieve the perfect fit and style that you're looking for.

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Alterations in sewing refer to the process of making changes or adjustments to clothing or other textile items. This can include anything from simple adjustments like shortening the length of a dress, to more complex changes like taking in or letting out a waistline or adding a zipper to a garment. 

Here are a few examples of common alterations:

1. Hemming: Hemming is the process of adjusting the length of a garment. This can include shortening pants, skirts, or dresses, or raising the hemline on a pair of pants.

2. Taking in or letting out: This type of alteration can be done to adjust the fit of a garment. This can include taking in the waistline of a pair of pants, or letting out the seams on a dress that is too tight.

3. Adding zippers or buttons: Adding zippers or buttons can be a way to make a garment more secure or to make it easier to put on and take off.

4. Resizing: Resizing a garment can include adjusting the overall fit, such as making a shirt bigger or smaller, or making a dress tighter or looser.

5. Adding or removing embellishments: Adding or removing embellishments can include adding or removing beads, embroidery, or other decorative elements.

6. Tailoring: Tailoring can include making a variety of changes to a garment, such as adjusting the fit, adding or removing embellishments, or making other customizations to the design.

If you need Alterations contact us to discuss the specifics. We can help you to achieve the perfect fit and style that you're looking for.